Weekly Net Script

Weekly ARES Net Script and Control Operator Schedule


NCS Schedule Calendar

7/31/2024 Ron KS4SW8/7/2024 Gray KC3DWY
8/14/2024 Gray KC3DWY

8/21/2024 Pat KQ4BRW

8/28/2024 Hayden N2HAY
9/4/2024 Leon K8ZAG

9/11/2024 Roger K4VFW

9/18/2024 Ron KS4SW

9/25/2024 Gray KC3DWY

10/2/2024 Pat KQ4BRW

10/9/2024 Hayden N2HAY

10/16/2024 Ron K4SW

10/23/2024 Roger K4VFW

10/30/2024 Ron KS4SW

11/6/2024 Gray KC3DWY
11/13/2024 Pat KQ4BRW





No more than 10 minutes before the start of the net, please make the following call.

Good evening everyone! The Marion County ARES and Skywarn net will begin in ______ minutes. All amateurs are invited to participate. This is (YOUR CALL), net control.


Are there any stations needing to make a call at this time?

(drop carrier and wait)

Are there any stations holding emergency or priority traffic?

(drop carrier and wait)

Calling all stations, calling all stations. Good evening and welcome to AF4FL, the Marion County ARES and Skywarn net. My name is

enter your callsign

and I will be your net control operator for this session.

This net meets every Wednesday at 7:30 PM on this frequency. In the event of an emergency, this will be your contact repeater. The purpose of this net is for weekly training and testing of equipment. This is a directed net and is open to all amateurs in this repeaters coverage area.

(drop carrier)

Please do not break or interrupt this net unless you are holding emergency or priority traffic. At the end of the net, new amateurs and others wishing to check-in will be called. The Marion County Hospital Emergency Communications Team net will run at 8:00pm on the 145.270 repeater, with a PL tone of 123.

(drop carrier)

In case of a weather-related incident, this net will provide real-time information to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office Division of Emergency Management, and the National Weather Service office in Jacksonville, FL. When checking in please give your name, location, and current weather report, if possible.

(drop carrier)

This is (your call) over the K4GSO repeater calling AF4FL, the Marion County ARES and Skywarn net. First, we will take any stations mobile or wishing to secure early. Please call NET CONTROL, (your call).

IN CASE OF DANGEROUS WEATHER, REPLACE WITH: This is (your call) over the K4GSO repeater calling the Marion County ARES and Skywarn net. Any station wishing to secure early due to weather concerns, please call NET CONTROL, (your call).

I'll now take checkins via Echolink.

If a station checks in via Echolink and is listed on the roster, do not check their checkbox.
This field must be entered manually. If none, please enter zero (0).

I'll now take checkins from the officials.

I'll now take checkins via roll call.

Are there any officials from our partner counties on frequency?

Are there any latecomers or additional stations not called wishing to check in at this time? Please call NET CONTROL, (your call).

For more information about Marion County ARES or Skywarn, please contact our Emergency Coordinator, Hayden at 352.229.5490. Information is also available on our website at aresmcfl.org. Our Net Roster and additional resources are available there. Please be sure to join us next week, when our net control station will be (scroll down for info). We'd like to thank the Silver Springs Radio Club for the use of the K4GSO repeater. The time is now (TIME) and this net is now secure. 73 to all and have a great evening. This is (your call) on behalf of AF4FL, OUT.


NCS Schedule Calendar

7/31/2024 Ron KS4SW8/7/2024 Gray KC3DWY
8/14/2024 Gray KC3DWY

8/21/2024 Pat KQ4BRW

8/28/2024 Hayden N2HAY
9/4/2024 Leon K8ZAG

9/11/2024 Roger K4VFW

9/18/2024 Ron KS4SW

9/25/2024 Gray KC3DWY

10/2/2024 Pat KQ4BRW

10/9/2024 Hayden N2HAY

10/16/2024 Ron K4SW

10/23/2024 Roger K4VFW

10/30/2024 Ron KS4SW

11/6/2024 Gray KC3DWY
11/13/2024 Pat KQ4BRW



If you are through calling the net and you missed the net report link, click here.